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« Conference & CLE Calendar | Main | CardioNet, LLC v. InfoBionic, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2021) »

November 14, 2021


In other words, the Executive Branch informs the Legislative Branch to take a flying leap, and will regurgitate their desired narrative when they feel like it, and only to the extent that they feel like it.

Are there any "D's" out there that still think that 45 was more authoritarian than 46?

Mean tweets do not count.



So less than a full set of the Senate IP Subcommittee minority, plus a smattering of minority Judiciary Committee members and some other random R Senators, who all told don't amount to a majority in their own party, let alone in the entire Senate, is now equivalent to [checks notes] the entire "Legislative Branch"? Can I subscribe to your political science newsletter?

Hey Chester, did you read through that article?

There's some serious misrepresentations and s t r e t c h i n g to reach those check marks (ESPECIALLY in view of the current administration).

That piece actually proves my point: 46 is FAR MORE authoritarian than 45 ever was.

“[T]he Senators posed ten questions intended ‘to help us better understand this decision to support intellectual property theft and forced technological transfer…’”

It should be short work answering those questions. No U.S. official is supporting IP “theft” (what does that word even *mean* in the context of IP?), nor forced tech transfer. The whole premise of the exercise is misbegotten, so there is nothing for the senators to understand.


Did you see where I stated "entire?"

Put your strawman away please, and try to grasp the actual point presented.

Mr. DeLassus, THAT it may indeed be a matter of "short work," makes it all the more galling that the Executive Branch has chosen its path. You too seem to be misapplying what is "misbegotten" here - no doubt in your effort NOT to look at the party that you would rather support.

These are signs of self-delusion.

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