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March 11, 2021



Thank you for your report "BIO and PhaRMA Urge Biden Administration to Oppose Proposed WTO TRIPS Waiver." I have no doubt the pharma companies could sell the governments.
Disrespect of IP only means one thing - looking for a free lunch.
No country deserves a handout anymore. They are flush with incredibly wealthy citizens, especially India and South Africa.
Money does not grow on tress for them. Their Pharma companies are simply profit based companies and this is necessary for any company. This is why all "India and South Africa argued without evidence that intellectual property is hindering the global response to the pandemic.." Its a deception by India and South Africa.
Countries in opposition to respecting IP are less common now but it had been a well known capitalistic game to serve themselves. Particularly, India's disrespect of IP has been profitable for their country's Pharma industries. Now they use IP since it is now how they protect their countries Pharma industries.
However, now Covid-19 is new strategy excuse for them to go back to their profit game.

Corection: I have no doubt the pharma companies could sell their Covids-19 vaccines the governments.

Excuse me - no disrespect intended - but if this is NOT a case for waiver, what on earth would be a case for waiver?

What does the Pharma industry propose for ensuring broad access to effective vaccines and drug treatment worldwide, instead of suspending or revising some of their IP rights in order to hasten production, distribution and administration of emerging vaccine and drug treatment for Covid? Governments have provided the pharma industry with more than 10 billion $ for research and initial production of Covid vaccines. Shouldn't those governments also have a say in determining their cost and distribution?

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