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December 09, 2024


The entire thing has been a disaster. Sometimes Patent Center does not acknowledge you as the attorney on a case and refuses to even let you file document to existing cases. It thinks you are a general public user looking at the case file. The errors are legion and they invent new ones every few months. EFS was bad enough with its font demands for PDFs. This is far worse. Sometimes I paper file just to avoid Patent Center.

It is shameful how bad Patent Center is. I have had to fax file more for the first time in years (and then wait a month for the filing to show up in the IFW) And it’s just so many idiotic small errors that really add up. A person favorite: looking at a PCT parent from a US app’s priority tab disallows you from navigating back to the US app!

A real stain on the Vidal years.

Thank you for posting about this. It is very frustrating to have Patent Center be so flawed and time consuming and yet the PTO is only ever boasting about this or that Potemkin initiative and does not acknowledge problems with core functions including Patent Center, assignments, and docx, let alone address them.

Thanks for calling attention to this. It's sexier to discuss matters of substantive law (or even procedural matters before the PTAB as those develop through caselaw), but the nuts-and-bolts of getting things filed make a big difference.

One colleague has taken to referring to "Patent Crapper" rather than Patent Center, and I now use that term as well. It's that bad.

And as a going away present, Kathi Vidal has made sure that they're going to make the IT for the TM side FUBAR as well next month.

My personal favorite: there's one screen where it asks if you want to upload a document from a mobile device. Because, you know, we all write patent applications on our phones. God forbid the cretins doing the programming for the USPTO communicate with actual end users.

Before they killed EFS and PAIR in 2023, I wrote a few criticisms of Patent Crapper here:


and here:


Misery loves company. The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) introduced a new patent IT system, MyCIPO Patents, on July 17, 2024. MyCIPO Patents is similarly a mess! For 4 months, no Canadian patents were issued. Notices of Allowance have not been sent for over 5 months. Users continue to experience unexpected logouts 5 months after the system's launch. The most concerning issue is a 4-month backlog in processing of correspondence. As a result, several applications have been marked as abandoned, despite timely actions having been taken, due to the processing delay.

Nailed it.

My favorite is getting a pdf form rejected for having a font the PTO doesn't like ... when submitting an official PTO form.

There seems to be a worldwide trend among national patent offices to push costs -- and a lot of accompanying misery -- onto applicants.

In France, a new patent IT system was forced onto everyone in late 2018. The system accepted only DOCX patent applications -- actually, you *could* file in PDF, but you had to hand in a DOCX later anyway -- except for patent applications for inventions relevant to national security, which still had to be filed on paper (*).

Of course, at first the system didn't work at all, and then patent attorneys wasted enormous amounts of time figuring out how to mold their DOCX files so that the system wouldn't puke on them. Now, it works decently well, but patent filings are sluggish every December -- rumor has it that the DOCX processing actually isn't performed on a French patent office server, but on a remote WIPO server. What's more, from time to time we get office actions pointing out trivial administrative informalities, which exist only because of the software.

On top of that, the French patent office was put in charge of managing a national online company register, and the transition went... just as well as you can expect.

(*) The "no paper filings except for national security" requirement was actually struck down, because guess what, 1) it was illegal as offending Article 5(1)a) of the Patent Law Treaty (PLT), and 2) the French patent office certainly knew but didn't care. It just took four years and a famous lawyer spending his own money to get the necessary top court ruling. And to add insult to injury, the French patent office then took almost a year to issue new regulations, but the new regulations basically say "ok, you can file your applications on paper, but we won't allow you to file one more paper than the PLT literally requires."...

Maybe Patent Center should be added to DOGE’s growing list of what needs to be fixed (LOL).

"The USPTO has... shut[] down access to assignment data in Patent Center, forcing the public to use its unreliable patent assignment search portal instead."

"Unreliable" is the right word. The assignment search portal *will not* show recorded assignments for provisionals, even if the provisional is publicly accessible on Patent Center. Of course, it is quite common (even if not "best practice") for a patent owner to record an assignment in the priority filing and not in the subsequent filings in the same family, and the recorded assignment of the priority filing would be enough to put the world on notice that the subsequent filings belong also to the recorded assignee.

Back in the days of private PAIR (and the earlier days of Patent Center) you could see the recorded assignment of the provisional in the "assignments" tab. Now all information about ownership of the provisional is simply invisible. What is the point of having an assignment recordation office in which the public cannot look up the single *most* relevant assignment in the chain of title?

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