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Juristat #8 Overall Rank


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May 12, 2024


In my decade-plus at PTO, this is the most political admin I have seen. From DEI nonsense to the anti-patent ODP mentality. Good luck reasoning with them. They are mindless

Beginning in 2009, the PTO became very political/ far left wing/socialist. Biotech patents were blocked under the ACLU illogic that Obamacare was already too expensive & biotech patents made Obamacare more expensive. Everything was a natural product. One more danger to the above- examiners are heavily pushed to rejoin all inventions/claims when allowing 1 invention/set of cls. (In re: Ochiai rejoinder & more). W/ the new rules, all the different inventions would be invalidated. The PTO is doing tech transfer, beyond IP law, & making sure that no one gets too many patents. The PTO was not meant to be big brother.

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