J A Kemp will be offering a webinar entitled "Using Disclaimers at the EPO: A Practical Guide" on April 25, 2023 at 16:00 pm (BST). Chris Milton and Imogen Parry of J A Kemp will review the current state of the law surrounding the use of disclaimers at the EPO, and then consider examples of how these can be used to your advantage, both when pursuing patent protection and when attacking problematic patents. The webinar will address the following topics:
• Considering when disclaimers may be appropriate at the EPO
• The state of EPO case law concerning allowability of disclaimers
• Preparing a case where disclaimers may be needed: drafting tips
• Attacking weak disclaimers
• Case studies
• Audience questions
There is no registration fee for this webinar. However, those interested in registering for the webinar, should do so here.