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Juristat #8 Overall Rank


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September 15, 2022


The legal error is prima facia evident:

Justice Stevens LOST his majority writing position in his career-bookending case of Bilski simply due to the FACT that his position REQUIRED the negating of actual words of Congress in order to affirmatively move "business methods" to be Categorically not eligible.

His "Dissent dressed as a Concurrence" would have clearly violated the Constitution itself (in At Least violation of the Separation of Powers doctrine).

As Congress refused to endorse his views, ALL ensuing judicial actions that CHANGE the law to the effect Desired by Justice Stevens are ultra vires.

Any attorney not willing to see and understand -- and decry -- this judicial malfeasance are NOT "defending" (or "supporting" or any myriad other terms in the various State Oaths of Office that attorneys are sworn in under) the Constitution and instead are alleviating one of the Co-Equal Branches of the government Above the other two Branches.

The first question, which is almost invariably overlooked, is whether the claimed subject-matter qualifies, in this instance as a process, under 35 USC 101. Looking at the claim in issue I can see no feature of a technical character and am not surprised at the result.

Mr. Cole,

Your not being a U.S. attorney is showing.

Where in 35 USC 100 or 101 do you see any such requirement -- by Congress -- of this "technical character?"

@ Skeptical

"Nonetheless, what the Court was likely looking for here is a contention (supported by evidence in the claim itself or in the specification) that the invention improves a computer or some other technological component or process. Since the PTAB stated that the claim involved, at best, "an improvement in business practice for which generic computer components are used in their ordinary capacity," this was enough for the Court to affirm the rejection."

That is the point.

Mr. Cole,

Your assertion of, "that is the point" - ON a point many consider ultra vires - does NOT provide the legal foundation (especially tracked to the actual words of Congress).

The ball is still in your court [sic] to answer my question put to you.

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