Practising Law Institute (PLI) will be offering an online program entitled "Patent Eligibility, Prior Art, Obviousness and Disclosure 2022: Current Trends in Sections 101, 102, 103 and 112" on May 23, 2022. The program is geared to patent lawyers who have some familiarity with existing 35 U.S.C. Sections 101/102/103 and regularly work with the statute in either litigation or patent prosecution. The course will advance the knowledge of all attendees from their respective starting points and provide new insights into the statute, recent amendments, and case law. The program will address the following topics:
• Section 101: What to do?
• 102 and its dates: Is the "grace period" real?
• Understanding the "effective filing date" in global terms
• Analyzing 102 — pre- and post-AIA
• A comprehensive review of post-KSR 103 via CAFC and PTAB precedent
• Impact of benefit claims on the prior art date of an "effectively filed" reference and the "effective filing date" of the application being examined
PLI faculty will offer presentations on the following topics:
• 35 USC 101: What Can Be Patented in 2022?
• Section 102 Conditions for Obtaining a Patent; Novelty: Inside and Outside the PTO – Cases and Decisions
• KSR and 103: Conditions for Obtaining a Patent; Non-Obvious Subject Matter
• 35 USC 112 Patent Specifications – Decisions on Disclosure and Claiming: Some Case Studies
• The 102(b) Exceptions to Prior Art Against Patents – Made Simple!
The registration fee for program is $1,850. Those interested in registering, can do so here.