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Juristat #4 Overall Rank

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Juristat #8 Overall Rank


« CardioNet, LLC v. InfoBionic, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2021) | Main | CVC Files Motion to Exclude Evidence, ToolGen Opposes, and CVC Replies in Interference No. 106,126 »

November 17, 2021


Certainly a tangent, but the emerging debate on "Artificial Intelligence as an inventor" may well have an even larger "muddying" effect in regards to JOINT inventorship.

After all, the DABUS case was focused on a singled inventive entity, and if taken at face value that the invention there CAN NOT be attributed to an actual human, but instead was the result of a machine (and this need NOT rise to the level of The Singularity, as is often misrepresented), then how many other inventions would fall to the "use" of AI wherein the human aspect of merely "reading a result, as if from a black box from another room" can call into question that a "joint inventor" situation exists?

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