The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and Department of Justice will be holding a joint program on September 23-24, 2020 on how patents and copyrights drive value in the life science sector and the effects of collaborations and partnerships, with specific attention paid to the antitrust implications of different cooperation and licensing strategies. The program will include ten sessions over two afternoons (1:00 to 5:20 pm ET):
• The roles of patents in research and development of therapeutics, diagnostics, and vaccines, particularly during pandemics
• Update on USPTO guidance on the patentability of life science inventions
• Life science patents in practice
• Panel discussion: Are changes to U.S. patent law needed to better support innovation and in life sciences and the development of COVID-19 solutions?
• Copyright and innovation in the life sciences
• Panel discussion: How copyright can create incentives or barriers to building data or information pools, and related licensing
• Collaboration and licensing strategies
• How do regulation and antitrust enforcement impact competition and incentives for innovation?
• Competition and collaboration: Examining competitive effects and antitrust risks associated with collaborations
• Academics' and economists' views on collaboration and competition
Additional information regarding the program can be found here.