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May 14, 2020


Can anybody confirm that Sigma-Aldrich has nothing in this family that is pending (or issued) in any other Patent Office. I thought it might be interesting to see what has happened at the EPO, but I drew a blank.

May I ask: did Sigma file outside the USA; at the EPO, for example. I thought it would be interesting to see what issued there, and whether any opposition to it was filed.

I had a look but found nothing. Any idea, anybody?

Office Entry Date National Number National Status
China 05.12.2013 201380072477.4
Canada 12.05.2015 2891347
Australia 13.05.2015 2013355214 Published: 04.06.2015
Granted: 19.07.2018
Israel 17.05.2015 238856
Japan 05.06.2015 2015545838
European Patent Office 29.06.2015 2013859964 Published: 14.10.2015
European Patent Office 2016183723 Granted: 20.09.2017
European Patent Office 2016183720 Published: 15.03.2017
European Patent Office 2016183717 Published: 08.03.2017
European Patent Office 2016183719 Published: 01.03.2017
European Patent Office 2016183725 Published: 08.03.2017
European Patent Office 2016183724 Published: 08.03.2017
Israel 267598 Divisional: 24.06.2019
Israel 257178 Divisional: 28.01.2018
Granted: 01.11.2019
Republic of Korea 1020197022305 Published: 09.08.2019
Republic of Korea 1020187001934 Divisional: 22.01.2018
Published: 31.01.2018
Singapore 11201503824S Granted: 08.05.2018

Seek and ye shall find. Thanks Max

Under opposition proceedings 3/2020

Kevin, thanks. As you say.

I see now that at the EPO the one family member to get to grant has attracted oppositions from ten parties, eight of which are various patent attorney firms on behalf of their unidentified client.

Here is a Link to the 30 page Oct 22, 2019 Summons to oral proceedings. At first glance, it doesn't look too bad for the patent owner. Priority back to the US filings, novelty, inventive step, enablement. As usual though, it's the amendments after filing that are giving the patent owner a belated head-ache, after the EPO issued the patent. That's the thing, isn't it, with FtF. You have to be early to file but not so early that you fail to include an enabling written description of exactly the invention you are paying so much to protect. Otherwise, you end up with nothing while readers have been creaming off everything you wrote that is useful to them, ever since the day of publication of your WO-A disclosure.


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