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Juristat #4 Overall Rank

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Juristat #8 Overall Rank


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August 25, 2019


I don't get it. Everything in claim 1 was known, except for the covalent linker between the two complementary RNA strands. But we "know" from Myriad that covalent bonds like that are irrelelvant - in Myriad SCOTUS, with its wealth of experience in science, taught us that the hydrogens at the ends of the cleaved DNA in Myriad were no different from the additional nucleotides at those ends that were present in nature. So why was claim 1 here not considered to be abstract or a product of nature, per SCOTUS in Myriad/Alice?

/end sarcasm/

I am grateful that the PTO now seems to be applying 101 in a slightly more sane manner than it was doing 3-5 years ago.

ping and pong, Atari Man (your sense of gratitude is very much premature).

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