Strafford will be offering a webinar entitled "Drafting Software Patents to Survive Section 101 and AIA Challenges -- Anticipating and Minimizing the Risk of 101, 103 Rejections, Recent Court Guidance" on March 20, 2019 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm (EDT). Michael L. Kiklis of Bass Berry & Sims and Stephen G. Kunin of Maier & Maier will guide patent practitioners on how to draft their patent applications to overcome both Section 101 and AIA challenges. This panel has decades of experience in Section 101 and has represented patent owners numerous times in AIA reviews. The webinar will review the following issues:
• What are the hurdles for patent counsel to demonstrate a software-related claim is not abstract?
• In the event an abstract idea is identified, how can patent practitioners pass Alice's step two?
• What guidance have the courts provided in recent decisions concerning patent eligibility for software-related inventions?
• What best practices should counsel use to help software-related inventions survive AIA challenges?
The registration fee for the webcast is $347. Those interested in registering for the webinar, can do so here.