The Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) will offer a one-hour webinar entitled "International Post Grant Practice: Strategic Considerations Before the USPTO, EPO and CNIPA" on January 3, 2019 from 12:00 to 1:00 pm (ET). Stephen Bauer of Medtronic, James Denness of Abel & Imray, and Toby Mak of Tee & Howe Intellectual Property Attorneys will highlight the differences and similarities in post-grant practice in front of three leading patent authorities, as well as strategies that can lead to global settlement in licensing negotiations, and also review effective defensive strategies for patent owners, both in patent drafting and in litigation. The panel will discuss:
• Considerations in deciding where to bring an overseas challenge ‒ and in what order proceedings should be brought
• Monitoring competitors’ patent issuance, internal product launch considerations, and the desire for freedom to operate
• The potential ramifications of translation errors in Chinese patents
• The impact of shrinking patent pendency at the EPO
• Specific techniques for strengthening patents against post-grant challenges in each jurisdiction
The registration fee for the webinar is $135 (government and academic rates are available upon request). Those interested in registering for the webinar can do so here.