Technology Transfer Tactics will be offering a webinar entitled "The Evolving State of Sovereign Immunity Before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board" on May 3, 2018 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm (ET). Tyson Benson of Harness, Dickey & Pierce, PLC will address the following topics:
• Recent decisions handed down by the Patent Trial Appeal Board, including decisions that:
-- held a university entity waived its sovereign immunity by filing a patent infringement case in district court
-- denied trial sovereign immunity for lack of establishment that trial sovereign immunity should be applied in PTAB proceedings
• What technology managers should be doing to protect their patent portfolio during this ever-evolving subject
• Potential impact on licensing and patent value
• Updates from pending cases, new decisions, and/or arguments
• Potential impact of the newly introduced Preserving Access to Cost Effective Drugs (PACED) Act
The registration fee for the webinar is $197. Those interested in registering for the webinar, can do so here.