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February 04, 2018


"One of the more frustrating aspects of the current judicial patent eligibility framework is the propensity for courts... to carry out the two-part test from Alice... in a conclusory fashion."

This is the understatement of the century!

That frustration is very much part and parcel of the "gift" from the Supreme Court and their "Gist/Abstract" sword.

That sword was provided WITHOUT defining such things as "abstract" or even "significantly more."

Add to that the OBVIOUS incongruity of the body of the various Supreme Court decisions themselves on 101 (paying attention to the historical back and forth as witnessed by some of the writers of the various decisions - instead of ignoring THAT context), and there is ONE inescapable conclusion.

And one (legislative) solution).

Very sadly, the claimed subject matter amounts to little more than I have been doing on my PC for years, and I can see nothing innovative. One does not have to be Skeptical to conclude that this was a fairly hopeless case.

"But the Court remained hung up with the lack of detail in the claim -- recitation of the function to be performed rather than the way that this function is carried out was problematic in the Court's view."

There is precedent going back over 150 years to support this approach.

While perhaps not novel, one CAN hope to conclude that 101 will not be used for novelty.

It appears that you have slipped a little in your appreciation of our law.

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