American Conference Institute (ACI) will be holding its Summit on IP Due Diligence on November 2-3, 2017 in Philadelphia, PA. This conference will be unique because a mock fact pattern will lay the foundation for the sessions of both days. ACI faculty will help attendees:
• Assess patent scope, validity, and enforceability in light of current patent rules and regulations
• Apply recent case law, legislation, and influence of post-grant proceedings into due diligence practices
• Explore the patent landscape by conducting effective freedom to operate analyses
• Uncover potential ownership and inventorship inconsistencies
• Protect attorney-client privilege while avoiding contamination during the review
The conference will offer presentations on the following topics:
• Preparing the Due-Diligence Checklist and Forming your Team
• Analyzing the Current Patent Landscape: AIA, Post-Grant Proceedings, Evolving Jurisprudence, and the Effects on Patent Strength
• Uncovering Red Flag in Ownership and Inventorship
• Diving into the Patent Portfolio: Examining the Scope, Patentability, Validity, and Enforceability
• Focusing on Freedom to Operate: Analyzing the Market
• Deals Gone Wild: Real-Life Horror Stories of IP Due Diligence Missteps
• Show Me the Money: Strategies to Overcome Valuation Challenges -- to be presented in part by Patent Docs author Andrew Williams
• Pursuing Trade Secret Protection in the Current Anti-Patent Climate
• Attorney-Client Privilege, Contamination and Ethical Challenges
In addition, one post-conference workshop on "Best Practices for Managing the Entire Due Diligence Process from Both Sides' Perspectives" will be offered on November 3, 2017 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm.
The agenda for the IP Due Diligence Summit can be found here. More information regarding the workshop can be found here. A complete brochure for this conference, including an agenda, detailed descriptions of conference sessions, list of speakers, and registration form can be obtained here.
The registration fee is $2,295 (conference alone), $2,895 (conference and workshop). Patent Docs readers are entitled to a 10% discount off of registration using discount code P10-999-PTD18. Those interested in registering for the conference can do so here, by e-mailing [email protected], or by calling 1-888-224-2480.
Patent Docs is a media partner of ACI's Summit on IP Due Diligence.