The Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) will offer a one-hour webinar entitled "USPTO on Restriction Practice, Terminal Disclaimers, and Patent Term Adjustment" on September 26, 2017 from 2:00 to 3:00 pm (ET). Kathleen Fonda of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Jeffrey Hohenshell of Medtronic, Inc, and Patent Docs author Kevin Noonan of McDonnell Hulbert Berghoff & Boehnen LLP will analyze the opportunities and pitfalls for patent prosecutors raised by restriction requirements, discussing such topics as:
• After a restriction requirement, how can a patent applicant make sure that the subsequent application falls into the section 121 "safe harbor," while also garnering the longest protection through patent term adjustment?
• What does it mean for claims in a new application to be "consonant" with those withdrawn from the earlier case?
• The new amendment to the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure that describes when a terminal disclaimer can be withdrawn; and
• Lessons learned from cases such as Hagenbuch v. Sonrai(E.D. Ill. 2016) on the potential danger of filing an ill-worded terminal disclaimer, and Janssen v. Celltrion(D. Mass. 2016) on serious consequences from filing a continuation instead of a divisional.
The registration fee for the webinar is $135 (government and academic rates are available upon request). Those interested in registering for the webinar can do so here.