Strafford will be offering a webinar/teleconference entitled "Navigating the Patent Prosecution Highway and Other Accelerated Filing Options -- Evaluating the Different Options, Weighing the Benefits and Risks, Obtaining Patent Protection" on August 31, 2017 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm (EDT). Ralph G. Fischer and Duane A. Stewart, III of Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney will provide guidance to patent counsel on the use of the patent prosecution highway and other ways to fast track examination; examine the pros and cons of options and will discuss factors to consider when determining whether to pursue accelerated prosecution and which avenue to take; and offer best practices for avoiding common mistakes and obtaining patent protection. The webinar will review the following topics:
• What options are available to accelerate a patent prosecution, and what are the pros and cons of each?
• What factors should patent counsel consider when determining whether seeking accelerated patent protection is the best avenue for prosecution?
• What are the key considerations for patent counsel drafting applications when accelerated patent protection is anticipated?
The registration fee for the webinar is $297. Those interested in registering for the webinar, can do so here.