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October 20, 2016


Hey Joseph,

This case simply confirms that you can determine patent-eligibility better with a Ouija board than with the nonsensical and broken Mayo/Alice framework.

This kind of claim inevitably leads to rational wondering why such suits are now almost always being fought out on alleged 101 grounds, rather than on 103 grounds in an IPR with a one year stay of the litigation [which is far more than a year away from trial anyway]. Or even with a prompt 103 S.J. [if only the Fed. Cir. would not almost always overrule 102 or 103 S.J. motions notwithstanding KSR itself having been a 103 S.J. even if the D.C. judge would promptly consider it.]

"An object location event for leaving the yard sends an email and dials a phone of the pet owner."

I know this blog kissed its credibility goodbye a long time ago but anybody who recites junk like the quote above with a straight face is not worthy of being taken seriously about anything.

"the specific structure of the claimed rules would prevent broad preemption of all rules-based means"

Same with this. And that's setting aside the inherent ridiculous of rules having a "structure" that is meaningful in any sense other than an abstract one.

McRo is on the short wait list for termination. And you didn't hear it from anybody at "Patent Docs". Remember that.

"his case simply confirms that you can determine patent-eligibility better with a Ouija board than with the nonsensical and broken Mayo/Alice framework."

This isnt the Mayo/Alice framework.

This is the CAFC's McRo framework, which has been lauded here for its awesome "clarity."

Under Mayo/Alice, this case is disposed of in two seconds.

Is the "structure" of

If X, then authorized

different from the "stucture" of

If Y then authorized?

I can't wait until the CAFC picks an "expert" in "location content object attributes" to tell everybody the answer. They've only had twenty years to think about this, after all.

Another meaningless post by the poster otherwise known as Malcolm Mooney....

Get well soon Patent Docs.

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