The Knowledge Group will offer a live webcast entitled "USPTO's Subject Matter Eligibility: A 2016 Update" on September 7, 2016 from 12:00 to 2:00 pm (EST). Robert C Faber of Ostrolenk Faber LLP; Jonathan K. Waldrop of Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman LLP; and Dr. Orlando Lopez of Burns & Levinson LLP will cover the following topics:
• Overview on Subject Matter Eligibility
• The December 2014 Interim Patent Eligibility Guidance
• July 2015 Updated Guidance
• Subject Matter Eligibility for Natural Phenomena, Diagnostic Method and Software Patents
• Recent Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Litigations
-- McRO v. Namco Bandai
-- Ariosa v. Sequenom
• Patent Eligibility: Best Strategies During Uncertainties
• Latest Trends and Updates
The registration fee for the webcast is $249 (early bird rate; register on or before August 28, 2016), $349 (regular rate), or $149 (government/nonprofit rate). Those interested in registering for the webinar can do so here.