The Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) Education Foundation will be sponsoring Patent Bar & Office Dialog Summit on March 15, 2016 in Washington, D.C.
The Patent Summit program includes patent general sessions on the following topics:
• Subject Matter Eligibility
• Patent Quality Discussion
• PTAB/IPR Discussion
• Written Description/Section 112 Discussion
In addition, attendees will have an opportunity to collaborate with fellow attendees and USPTO employees in small working groups. Topics to be addressed in the working groups include:
• Clarity of Record
• Service Confidence
• Improving Stakeholder and Examiner Interactions
A copy of the program, including an agenda and list of panelists for the above sessions, can be found here.
The registration fee for the conference, which includes breakfast, lunch, course materials, and networking reception is $700. A registration form can be obtained here.