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Juristat #8 Overall Rank


« Court Report | Main | IPO Responds to USPTO Call for Case Study Topics »

March 14, 2016


Good riddance.

As for this: "During that time period, as a patent applicant, you could expect to receive a patent on such arguably "new" business method services, or financial services, as automated by computers/Internet that provided additional functionality."

You can still "expect to receive a patent" and you might actually succeed because the PTO is still struggling with the basics.

Enforcing that patent against a defendant who understands the law is an entirely different question, of course. This kind of junk has always been prone to belly flopping.

"IMX challenged the CBM as being unconstitutional, and argued that issued patents are no longer under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO") and may be set aside, annulled, or corrected only by the courts of the United States, not by the USPTO or PTAB. IMX argued that post-grant proceedings to invalidate patents deprive patent owners of due process and invade the province of Article III courts."

Smells like desperation. More accurately, it smells like desperation wrapped in a used gym sock and dipped in fish sauce.

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