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« Conference & CLE Calendar | Main | Guest Post: Ariosa v Sequenom -- A Path to the Supreme Court? »

December 13, 2015


I would point out that "configured to" is NOT the proper way of looking at this, but rather, "configured to accommodate."

The latter having the extra verb is the one that sets apart whether or not a camera must be included, while the former risks the conflation of a whole set of rhetoric (the difference between future possibility, aka, able to be configured, versus an actual changed conditioned).

There are FAR too many "folks" out there only too eager to conflate and kick up dust for such a loose post to go un-noted.

In particular, a certain amorphous poster only too eagerly refuses to note that computers sans programming (i.e. "[Old Box]") simply does NOT cover every FUTURE invention as typified by software components.

The [Old Box] simply does NOT have every such future innovation "already in there."

Apologies for the "nit," but this is an area too prone to unhelpful confusion NOT to add this note of clarity.

Referring to the camera discussion.

I'm not a US practitioner, but I assume the broad interpretation of the claim by the ITC is a two way street and that prior art not directed to camera mounting systems are considered prior art.

Let me know if not!

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