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December 27, 2015



You are correct: it appears that the USPTO’s Private PAIR and EFS systems are now up, at least enough to retrieve documents from Private PAIR and to file applications through the EFS system.

With respect to filing applications through the EFS system, I would be very careful. It appears you won’t be able to save a proper pdf file of fee-info or the electronic filing receipt. Instead, I recommend printing each of these documents from the screen itself to save a record of such.

You may also have to pdf print (e.g., using PaperPort) or scan your filled in ADS form if you use the latest version (AIA 14, 11-15 version). When I tried to upload the filled ADS form using this latest version, I got both a Warning and Error message. You still get a Warning message if you pdf print or scan the filled ADS form, but at least you can complete the EFS filing.

Hope that helps.


Thanks for the update.



You're most welcome. All of us in the patent prosecution business are "in the same boat" in navigating through this fiasco with the outage of these vital USPTO electronic systems. It's only fair that we all share our "collective experience" as these systems come back on-line as there are likely to be some other "snafus" that you only find out about by stumbling upon them.

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