The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will be offering a Patent Quality Chat webinar series, with webinars to be held monthly for the remainder of the year. The schedule of the webinar series for the next three months is as follows:
June 9 -- Clarity of the Record -- to be presented by Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy Drew Hirshfeld, who will discuss various patent examiner training modules covering the topics of 35 U.S.C. § 112 and functional claiming, and review of the Clarity of Record Quality Initiative -- noon to 1:00 pm (EDT)
July 14 -- Face-to-face Examiner Interviews: A Demonstration of USPTO Tools -- to be presented by Director of Technology Center 2400 Timothy Callahan
August 11 -- Measuring Patent Quality -- to be presented by Deputy Commissioner for Patent Quality Valencia Martin Wallace
Future webinars will be held on September 8, October 13, and November 10, and are expected to address topics such as Office of Patent Quality Review (OPQA) Processes, Compact Prosecution, and Special Programs for Patent Prosecution.
Additional information regarding the Patent Quality Chat webinar series can be found on the USPTO's Patent Quality Chat webpage.