The American University Washington College of Law will be hosting its fourth annual Patent Law Symposium on "The New Patent Litigation: Litigating Before the Patent Trial And Appeal Board" on March 4, 2015 at the American University Washington College of Law in Washington, DC. The program will offer the following panel sessions:
• The New Patent Litigation: Practice at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
• The PTAB, by the Numbers: Statistical Analyses of Inter Partes Reviews -- panel includes Patent Docs author Kevin Noonan
• Claim Deconstruction: Claim Construction at the Board after Cuozzo
In addition, David Kappos, Former Director, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will provide a video introduction, and the symposium will conclude with a presentation by Teresa Stanek Rea, Former Director & Undersecretary of Commerce, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Additional information about the symposium can be found here. There is no registration fee for the symposium, but those interested in attending must register (the fee for CLE accreditation is $165). Those interested in registering, can do so here.