February 25, 2015 - European biotech patent law update (D Young & Co) - 3:00 am, 6:00 am, and 11:00 am (ET)
February 25, 2015 - "Prevailing Before the PTAB 'Death Squad': Practical Considerations for Petitioners and Patent Holders" (McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP) - 10:00 am to 11:15 am (CT)
February 26, 2015 - "Coordinating Post-Grant Patent Opposition in Europe and the U.S. -- Navigating Timing, Grounds for Opposition, Discovery, and Amendments to Maximize Protection in Both Jurisdictions" (Strafford) - 1:00 to 2:30 pm (EST)
February 27, 2015 - 59th Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference (The John Marshall Law School Center for Intellectual Property Law) - Chicago, IL
March 3, 2015 - "Patent Eligibility Requirements in Life Sciences" (Maschio & Soames) - 2:00 pm CST (Chicago)
March 4, 2015 - "Patent Eligibility Requirements in Life Sciences" (Maschio & Soames) - 12:00 noon AEDT (Melbourne) and 12:00 noon GMT (London)
March 4-5, 2015 - Medical Device Patents*** (American Conference Institute) - Chicago, IL
March 5, 2015 - "Drafting and Prosecuting Patent Applications to Withstand PTAB Scrutiny -- Building Reasonable Claim Construction to Avoid Unpatentability and Using Declarations to Survive Post Grant Proceedings" (Strafford) - 1:00 to 2:30 pm (EST)
March 5-6, 2015 - Advanced Patent Law Seminar (Chisum Patent Academy) - Cincinnati, OH
March 10-11, 2015 - FDA Boot Camp*** (American Conference Institute) - New York, NY
March 19, 2015 - "Abstract Ideas after Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank Int'l: The USPTO Issues Interim Guidance and Examples" (McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP) - 10:00 am to 11:15 am (CT)
March 25-26, 2015 - Post-Grant PTO Proceedings*** (American Conference Institute) - New York, NY
March 30-31, 2015 - Post-Grant Patent Challenges at the PTAB*** (Momentum) - San Jose, CA
***Patent Docs is a media partner of this conference or CLE