Technology Transfer Tactics will be offering a webinar entitled "Inter-Partes and Post-Grant Reviews: How to Protect Your University IP" on December 16, 2014 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm (ET). Shawn Ambwani, Chief Operating Officer of Unified Patents, Dipanjan "DJ" Nag, CEO and President of IP Shakti LLC, and B. Scott Eidson of Armstrong Teasdale will address the following topics:
• A solid understanding of the mechanics IPR (inter partes review) and PGR (post-grant review)
• Due diligence best practices to help avoid patent challenges
• How IPR is being used as a license negotiation tactic
• What technologies in your patent portfolio are most likely to be targeted
• Numbers and trends: Filings in 2014 and forecast for 2015
• A review of the universities that have lost patents due to IPR – and how they could have prevented the
• Strategies to reduce the effects of IPR and PRG on early stage technologies and start-ups
• How to keep your TTO's legal and patent budget in check in light of potential challenges
• Understand how the 11th Amendment immunity clause may work for state schools
The registration fee for the webinar is $197. Those interested in registering for the webinar, can do so here.