Technology Transfer Tactics will be offering a webinar entitled "Alice Corp. vs. CLS Bank: What’s Eligible, What’s Not, and What’s Still to be Determined?" on August 28, 2014 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm (ET). Patent Docs author Dr. Kevin E. Noonan and Patent Docs contributor Dr. Michael Borella of McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP will offer insight and clarify the decision as well as the PTO's recently issued guidelines stemming from the case. The webinar will address:
• How the Alice Corp. decision impacts the future of:
-- Software patents
-- Other business method patents
-- Patent troll (NPE) activity
• How to conduct a test for patentability according to the Court's ruling
• Determining if your patent claim describes an "inventive step"
• How claims must be drafted to achieve eligibility
• Detailed review of the PTO’s recent Alice-based guidelines for examinations
The registration fee for the webinar is $197. Those interested in registering for the webinar, can do so here.