American Conference Institute (ACI) will be holding its 4th Advanced Summit on Medical Device Patents on March 24-26, 2014 in Chicago, IL. The conference will allow attendees to:
• Utilize the new AIA inter partes review and post-grant review procedures to your advantage in the crowded and litigious medical device patent field;
• Prepare for increased NPE and PAE litigation in the medical device space and position your device IP portfolio to drive down the cost of settlements;
• Determine the value of device IP in light of evolving damages case law and prevent the next billion dollar medical device patent infringement verdict;
• Protect medical device patents post-Mayo v. Prometheus and Myriad and construct claims to withstand § 101 patentability challenges;
• Execute a cohesive international medical device opposition practice strategy for established and emerging markets and demystify global standards for patentability and claim construction; and
• Understand when to raise the inequitable conduct defense under the continually evolving Therasense standard.
In particular, ACI's faculty will offer presentations on the following topics:
• Keynote: USPTO Update on Patent Reform: Statistical Breakdown and Best Practices Learned from the First Year of Implementation
• Examining the Impact of AIA Post-Grant Review and Inter Partes Review Procedures on Traditional Medical Device Patent Litigation
• Setting the Stage Pre-Trial: Mock Markman Hearing and Claim Construction Strategy Session
• The Incredible Shrinking Patent World: Protecting Medical Device Patents in Light of Increasingly Strict § 101 Patentability Standards
• The In-House Perspective on Medical Device Patent Litigation: Limiting Liability and Managing and Reducing Costs
• Bracing for the Impact of NPEs and PAEs in the Medical Device Space: How to Defend Against These Entities and What We Can Learn from Them
• Joint Indirect Infringement Post-Akamai: Bracing for the Fallout on Prosecution and Litigation Strategies
• Case Spotlight on Medtronic v. Boston Scientific: Determining Who Bears the Burden of Proof in a Declaratory Judgment Action
• View From the Bench: The Judicial Perspective on Medical Device Patent Litigation
• Rethinking Medical Device Damages: Updated Strategies for Calculating Damages and Determining Valuation in Light of Evolving Federal Circuit Case Law
• Focus on Bard v. Gore: Exploring the Evolution of the Law of Willful Infringement and Enhanced Damages
• Developing a Global Patent Strategy to Protect Medical Device IP in Emerging and Established Markets
• Ethics and Medical Device IP: An Update on the Continued Evolution of Inequitable Conduct and Overview of the New PTO Ethical Rules
In addition, a pre-conference interactive working group session entitled "Mastering the Intricacies of USPTO Practice Post-Patent Reform: Supervisory Patent Examiners Weigh In on Medical Device Patents" will be offered from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm on March 24, 2014, and a post-conference master class entitled "Obviousness with Cardiac Devices, Diagnostics and Orthopedics: A Practical Guide to Combating Rejections at the PTO and Mounting a Challenge in the Courts" will be offered from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on March 26, 2014.
The agenda for the Medical Device Patents conference can be found here, and the agenda for the pre-conference interactive working group session and post-conference master class can be found here. A complete brochure for this conference, including an agenda, detailed descriptions of conference sessions, list of speakers, and registration form can be obtained here.
The registration fee for the conference is $2,295 (conference alone), $2,895 (conference and pre-conference session or post-conference master class), or $3,295 (conference, pre-conference session, and post-conference master class). Those registering by January 31, 2014 will receive a $300 discount, and those registering by February 28, 2014 will receive a $200 discount. Those interested in registering for the conference can do so here, by e-mailing [email protected], by calling 1-888-224-2480, or by faxing a registration form to 1-877-927-1563.
Patent Docs is a media partner of ACI's Medical Device Patents conference.