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Juristat #4 Overall Rank

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Juristat #8 Overall Rank


« Tufts Report Shows Dramatic Shift from Small Molecule to Biologic Drugs | Main | The Futility of Petitioning Congress (After the Fix Is In): Stakeholders Tell Judiciary Committee What's Wrong with Goodlatte Bill (H.R. 3309) »

November 20, 2013



Another misguided bill from Leahy & Company, and as you highlight, with 1st Amendment issues as well. There more pressing matters for Congress to deal with, like the disastrous (Un)Affordable Care Act, and a federal debt that is completely out of control.

Have all of the required studies mandated by the AIA been completed?

I don't think so...

Seems to me the alleged patent troll issue could be dealt with simply by instuting a "working requirement" that requires either the patent owner or a licensee of the patent owner to be working the invention to have a right to sue for infringement.

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