will be offering a webinar/teleconference entitled "Obviousness Standard After the AIA:
Leveraging Latest PTO and Court Guidance -- Overcoming Challenges of
Obviousness and Attacks on Patent Validity" on November 14, 2013 from
1:00 to 2:30 pm (EDT). Barry J. Herman of Womble Carlyle Sandridge
& Rice and Jon Schuchardt of Dilworth IP will provide patent counsel
with guidance on the evolving obviousness standard in light of Federal Circuit
treatment and analysis, the America Invents Act (AIA), and recent USPTO
guidelines, and outline best practices to avoid obviousness rejections and
defend patent validity. The webinar will
review the following questions:
• How has patent reform and the AIA impacted the application
of the obviousness standard?
• Under what circumstances has the obvious-to-try
standard supported a finding of obviousness -- and when has it worked to
nullify such a finding?
• What are the steps that patent applicants can take
to stand up to obviousness rejections?
The registration fee for the webinar is $297 ($362 for registration and CLE processing). Those registering by October 18, 2013 will receive a $50 discount. Those interested in registering for the webinar, can do so here.