Law Seminars International (LSI) will be offering a one-hour telebriefing on "Patent-Eligible Subject Matter After CLS Bank and Ultramercial: Implications of Two Key Federal Circuit Decisions" on July 22, 2013 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm (Eastern). Eric L. Sophir of Dentons will moderate a panel that includes Thomas W. Krause, Special Counsel for Intellectual Property Litigation, Solicitor's Office, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; Michael B. Chernoff, Director of Legal Services, Patent Operations, Accenture; and Benjamin Lee, Legal Counsel, Twitter. The panel will assess the implications of the CLS Bank and Ultramercial decisions and provide practical guidance for assessing patent-eligibility of an invention, particularly software and business methods patents. Among the topics to be covered are:
Impact of the decisions on applications and challenges to software and business
methods patents
Current test for assessing patent-eligibility under Section 101
When and how the Abstract Idea Exception may apply
Strategies for drafting claims for examination at the U.S. Patent &
Trademark Office
Predictions on future handling of this issue by the courts
A Q&A will follow the presentation and last for up to 30 minutes.
The registration fee is $150 per caller and $100 for each additional person on the same line who desires continuing education credit. Those interested in registering for the telebriefing, can do so here.