Strafford will be offering a webinar/teleconference entitled "CLS Bank v. Alice Corp.: Navigating Patent Eligibility of Software-Related Inventions Absent Clear Guidance" on July 10, 2013 from 1:00 - 2:30 pm (EDT). Michael L. Kiklis and Stephen G. Kunin of Oblon Spivak McClelland Maier & Neustadt will examine the CLS Bank v. Alice Corp. decision and its impact on patent eligibility for software-related inventions. The panel will also discuss what counsel to companies need to do to get patent protection for inventions implemented in computer software. The panel will review the following questions:
What does the Federal Circuit's
decision mean for patent eligibility for software-related inventions?
• How can patent litigation defendants take
advantage of patent eligibility's lack of certainty?
• What best practices should counsel employ to
protect software-related inventions?
The registration fee for the webinar is $297 ($362 for registration and CLE processing). Those registering by June 14, 2013 will receive a $50 discount. Those interested in registering for the webinar, can do so here.