Gorodissky & Partners will be offering a webinar entitled "Legal issues of protection and enforcement of biopharmaceutical patent rights in Russia" from 12:15 to 1:15 pm (EST) on June 13, 2013. Dmitry Klimenko, PhD., and Evgeny Alexandrov, PhD. will highlight selected aspects of getting patent protection for biopharmaceutical inventions in Russia via the Russian PTO & Eurasian PO, and in particular, matters that are treated differently by the EPO, USPTO, or JPO, as well as enforcement of patent rights specifically in the pharma field. Among the topics to be covered during the webinar are the following:
Patentable and non-patentable biopharmaceutical inventions
General info on drafting claims
Allowable claim formats
Drafting claims for popular biopharmaceutical subject-matter
Examples of granted biopharmaceutical claims
Approach to evaluating "industrial applicability"
Ways of widening scope of protection
Patent term extension
Medicaments: data exclusivity protection
Conditions for patent infringement
Sufficiency and validity of evidence of infringement
Availability of preliminary/interim injunctions
Recent court cases in pharma field
While the webinar is free, attendees must register in advance. Those wishing to register can do so by clicking on the register buttons on the webinar announcement.