The University of Kansas School of Law, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, University of San Diego School of Law, and Boston College Law School will be holding the third annual Patent Conference -- PatCon 3 -- on April 12-13, 2013 at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law in Chicago, IL. The conference will consist of the following sessions:
• The Changing Landscape of Patent Law: At the USPTO, the Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit? -- to be presented by The Honorable Judge Richard Linn, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
• A Conversation with Industry -- panel including corporate counsel from BP America, AbbVie, Bridgestone Americas and RR Donnelley
• Plenary Session -- to be presented by Prof. Mark Lemley of Stanford Law School; Alan Marco, Acting Chief Economist at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; and Prof. David Abrams of the University of Pennsylvania Law School
• Debate About the Patent System -- panel including The Honorable Judge Richard Posner, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit; and Prof. Richard Epstein of the New York University School of Law and University of Chicago Law School
A complete agenda for the PatCon 3 conference, including an agenda, list of speakers, and list of topics to be covered can be found here (Friday, April 12) and here (Saturday, April 13).
Additional information about the conference can be found here. While Friday's sessions are open to anyone, Saturday's sessions are limited to academics. Those interested in attending Friday's sessions can do so here. The registration fee is $99 (practitioners and other members of the public) or free (full-time faculty and students).