American Conference
Institute (ACI) will be offering "The Comprehensive Guide to Patent Reform"
from January 23-24, 2013 in New York, NY.
The conference will allow attendees to:
• Adapting to the
first-to file regime and developing prosecution techniques to ensure timely
filings that result in robust patents;
• Dissecting the
new rules covering the usage of declarations and assignments to avoid costly
delays and confusion associated with recalcitrant or missing inventors;
• Utilizing the inter partes review process to challenge
troubling patents and understanding the discovery rules associated with this
• Determining when
it is appropriate to employ the post-grant review procedure to attack a rival
patent and crafting defenses to it;
• Grasping the
advantages of supplemental examination, its potential to cure defects in
prosecution, and recognizing its risks;
• Maximizing the
potential of third party prior art submission in attacking a rival patent
pre-issuance and guarding against its effects with smart prosecution;
• Understanding the
implications of patent reform for Hatch-Waxman litigation; and
• Demystifying the
new standards for prior art encoded in the America Invents Act including
discussion of the new "disclosures" definition, the impact on
obviousness findings, and more.
In particular,
ACI's faculty will offer presentations on the following topics:
• USPTO keynote
address: The USPTO's efforts to implement AIA provisions impacting patent
prosecution -- to be presented by Teresa Stanek Rea, Deputy Director, U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office;
• Preparing your
company for the looming implementation of the first-to-file regime and
preparing strategies to exploit the coming changes for maximum benefit;
• Identifying what
constitutes prior art under the AIA and planning a patenting strategy around
the new standards;
• Slipping the
Gordian knot -- How to avoid ethical conundrums presented by the AIA's
inconsistent best mode requirements;
• USPTO address:
Detailing the new post grant opposition procedures, how they will impact
patenting, and more -- to be presented by Thomas Giannetti, Patent
Administrative Judge, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office;
• Learning the
sweet science: Win the new boxing match known as inter partes review;
• Preparing for the
eventual employment of the post grant review procedure in opposition practice;
• Deciding when to
use supplemental examination to cure defects in a patent: Balancing the risks
and rewards;
• Gambit: Utilizing
third party prior art submissions in the pre-issuance chess match;
• Examining the
ramifications of patent reform for Hatch-Waxman litigation and the
brand/generic wars; and
• Investigating the
changes to declarations and assignments and understanding how these new provisions
can be used to keep prosecution on track.
In addition, a pre-conference workshop entitled "Patent Reform 101: A Primer on the Fundamental Provisions of the America Invents Act" will be offered from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on January 23, 2013, and a post-conference workshop entitled "Interactive Working Group Session: A Hypothetical Invention Being Patented Under the AIA" will be offered from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on January 25, 2013.
An agenda for the conference can be found here. More information regarding the workshops can be found here. A complete brochure for this conference, including an agenda, detailed descriptions of conference sessions, list of speakers, and registration form can be obtained here.
The registration
fee for the conference is $2,295 (conference alone), $2,995 (conference and one
workshop), or $3,495 (conference and two workshops). Those registering by November 9, 2012 will
receive a $300 discount and those registering by December 14, 2012 will receive
a $200 discount. Patent Docs readers who reference the discount code "PD 200" will receive $200 off the current price tier when registering. Those interested in
registering for the conference can do so here, by
e-mailing [email protected], by calling 1-888-224-2480, or
by faxing a registration form to 1-877-927-1563.
Patent Docs is a media partner of the Patent Reform conference.