Patent Docs Makes List for First Time
The ABA Journal has announced its annual list of the 100 best legal
blogs -- or blawgs -- following a nomination process that began in August. The 100 blogs selected for the 2012 list have
been divided into fifteen categories:
News/Analysis, Trial Practice, Business of Law, Niche, For Fun, IP Law,
Careers/Law Schools, Labor & Employment, Criminal, Justice, Torts, Legal
Technology, Courts, Corporate, and Legal Research/Writing. Five of the Blawg 100 were selected in the IP
Law category, including Patent Docs, which was selected to the Blawg 100 for
the first time. The other blogs selected
to the IP Law category were IPWatchdog;
Hollywood, Esq., Patently-O, and Rebecca Tushnet's 43(B)log.
An alphabetical list of the 2012 Blawg 100 can be found here and a list of the top blawgs sorted by category can be found here. In announcing the 2012 Blawg 100, ABA Journal Editor and Publisher Allen Pusey noted that "[e]ach year, our choices become tougher," adding that "[b]logging has become such a staple of professional communication that keeping up with our own directory of more than 3,500 blogs by lawyers, judges, law professors or even law students is more formidable than it's ever been."
Now that the ABA Journal
has selected its Blawg 100 for 2012, it is asking readers to choose their
favorites from among the top 100. In
order to vote for your favorites, you will first have to register here (registration is free). Voting will conclude
on December 21.
In addition to releasing its 6th annual Blawg 100, the ABA Journal announced its inaugural Blawg 100 Hall of Fame, featuring law blogs the ABA Journal "can't imagine not making our favorites list each year." The inaugural list of ten blawgs, which includes Patently-O, can be found here.
We would like to thank our readers for nominating Patent Docs for the Blawg 100, and we would like to thank the ABA Journal for making Patent Docs a 2012 Blawg 100 honoree.
Posted by: Michael Feigin, Esq., NY, NJ, PA Patent Attorney | November 27, 2012 at 10:04 PM