Kevin E. Noonan --
this year, the Supreme Court asked the Solicitor General for his views on
whether the Court should grant certiorari
in Bowman v. Monsanto. The Solicitor has now given the Court his
views, and they are that the Court should not grant cert. Although the Court does not always follow the
Solicitor's recommendations (and sometimes regrets not doing so; see Laboratory
Corp. v. Metabolite Labs., Inc. ("LabCorp")), in this case
the rationales in the Solicitor's brief make it unlikely that the Court will
not agree.
recap, the case arose as the result of a farmer replanting Monsanto's patented
Roundup Ready® seed. The patents-in-suit are (as they have been in
other cases) U.S. Patent Nos. 5,352,605 and RE39,247 (a reissue of
5,633,435). Claims 1 and 4 of the '605 patent are representative:
1. A chimeric gene which
is expressed in plant cells comprising a promoter from a cauliflower mosaic
virus, said promoter selected from the group consisting of a CaMV (35S)
promoter isolated from CaMV protein-encoding DNA sequences and a CaMV (19S)
promoter isolated from CaMV protein-encoding DNA sequences, and a structural
sequence which is heterologous with respect to the promoter.
4. A plant cell which comprises a chimeric gene that contains
a promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus . . . .
Claims 103, 116, 122, 128, 129, and
130 of the '247 patent are representative:
103. A recombinant,
double-stranded DNA molecule comprising in
(a) a promoter which functions in
plant cells to cause the production of an RNA sequence;
(b) a structural DNA sequence that
causes the production of an RNA sequence which encodes an EPSPS enzyme having
the sequence of SEQ ID NO:70; and
(c) a 3' non-translated region that
functions in plant cells to cause the addition of a stretch of polyadenyl
nucleotides to the 3' end of the RNA sequence;
where the promoter is heterologous with
respect to the structural DNA sequence and adapted to cause sufficient
expression of the encoded EPSPS enzyme to enhance the glyphosate tolerance of a
plant cell transformed with the DNA molecule.
116. A glyphosate-tolerant plant cell comprising a DNA
sequence encoding and EPSPS enzyme having the sequence of SEQ ID NO: 70.
122. A seed of the plant of claim 116, wherein the seed
comprises the DNA sequence encoding an EPSPS enzyme having the sequence of SEQ
ID NO: 70.
128. A glyphosate[-]tolerant plant cell
comprising the recombinant DNA molecule of claim 103.
129. A plant comprising the glyphosate[-]tolerant plant cell of
claim 128.
130. A method for selectively controlling weeds in a field
containing a crop having planted crop seeds or plants comprising the steps
(a) planting the crop seeds or plants which
are glyphosate-tolerant as a result of a recombinant double-stranded DNA
molecule being inserted into the crop seed or plant . .
(b) applying to the crop and weeds in the field
a sufficient amount of glyphosate herbicide to control the weeds without
significantly affecting the crop.
Pioneer Hi-Bred (Pioneer), one of Monsanto's
licensed seed producers, sold seed to Bowman; these sales were subject to a
Technology Agreement similar to the Agreements Monsanto typically requires for
farmers who purchase its seed. Under the Technology Agreement, the
licensed grower agreed: (1) "to use the seed containing Monsanto gene
technologies for planting a commercial crop only in a single season"; (2) "to
not supply any of this seed to any other person or entity for planting";
(3) "to not save any crop produced from this seed for replanting, or
supply saved seed to anyone for replanting"; and (4) "to not use this
seed or provide it to anyone for crop breeding, research, generation of
herbicide registration data, or seed production." It was undisputed
that Bowman complied with these provisions as to its "first planting"
each year. Monsanto's complaint arose from farmer Bowman's "second
planting," which was made using so-called "commodity seed"
obtained from local grain elevators. Farmers under the Technology
Agreement could freely sell seed to grain elevators for commodity use (for
example, as cattle feed), which did not include replanting. However,
since Farmer Bowman's "second planting" was riskier (in terms of
potential yield) he decided to use commodity seed because it was significantly
cheaper than Roundup Ready® seed. After planting this seed, Farmer
Bowman tested this second crop for Roundup® resistance, and finding that
substantial amounts of the seed were resistant, used Roundup® on these
plantings and replanted this seed.
The District Court granted summary
judgment of patent infringement and entered judgment against Farmer Bowman in
the amount of $84,456.20. The Federal Circuit rejected Bowman's arguments
that were predicated directly on the Supreme Court's Quanta
decision. In Quanta, the Supreme Court reiterated its "substantial
embodiment" test to apply the patent exhaustion principle, which applied
to both composition and method claims (reversing the Federal Circuit as to
method claim exhaustion), citing Ethyl
Gasoline Corp. v. United States,
309 U.S. 436 (1940), and United
States v. Univis Lens Co., 316 U. S. 241
(1942). Specifically, the Court stated the standard that sales that "substantially
embody" the patents in suit will be sales that exhaust the patent right to
obtain royalties, citing Univis. The immediately evident
application of this decision to biotechnology patent claims include cases, as
in Monsanto, where a patented article has the biological property of
replication, where the license precludes use of replicates of the article after
purchase. Although critically important economically (since it is clear
that Monsanto would not be in the seed business for very long in the absence of
these restrictions), the rubrics for applying patent exhaustion set forth in
the Court's Quanta decision could be applied to Monsanto's claim, and
Bowman argued that they should be so applied. It is without question that
the seeds "embody" (figuratively and literally) the "essential
features" of the patented invention, and thus the types of limitations
Monsanto (and other seed producers) have placed on replanting of their patented
seeds implicate the application of these standards to Monsanto's claims.
The Federal Circuit did not see it this
way. Farmer Bowman argued that exhaustion applied to all Roundup Ready®
soybean seeds, including those present in grain elevators as undifferentiated
commodity. "Sales of second-generation seeds by growers to grain
elevators, and then from grain elevators to purchasers (like Bowman) are
authorized according to the terms of Monsanto's [T]echnology [A]greement[], and
are thus exhausting sales . . . under the Supreme Court's analysis in Quanta
[Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc., 553 U.S. 617 (2008)],"
according to Bowman.
In response, Monsanto argued that sale of
soybeans are not "authorized" when those soybeans are replanted (i.e.,
used as seed rather than as commodity grain). Monsanto further argued
that, even if sale to grain elevators resulted in exhaustion, infringement
occurred when the seed was replanted because "patent protection 'is
independently applicable to each generation of soybeans (or other crops)
that contains the patented trait,'" arguments Monsanto had previously
(successfully) made in other infringement actions. Monsanto also urged
that J.E.M. Ag Supply, Inc. v. Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.,
534 U.S. 124 (2001), was controlling for patent exhaustion in
seeds, specifically that exhaustion "must be limited to the seeds sold."
In this regard, Monsanto urged the portion of the J.E.M. opinion that
stated that "there are no exemptions for research or saving seed
under a utility patent." Id. at 143 (emphases added).
The Federal Circuit agreed that patent
exhaustion did not apply. Citing the McFarling opinion, the panel
stated that "[t]he 'first sale' doctrine of patent exhaustion . . . [wa]s
not implicated, as the new seeds grown from the original batch had never been
sold. The price paid by the purchaser 'reflects only the value of the 'use'
rights conferred by the patentee.'" Id. at 1299 (citing B. Braun Med., Inc. v. Abbott Labs.,
124 F.3d 1419, 1426 (Fed. Cir. 1997)). Turning to the specific facts in this case,
the Court stated that the important consideration is that "the grower has
created a newly infringing article" when commodity seed was planted by Bowman
and the "next generation" of seeds comprising Monsanto's Roundup
Ready® technology were produced. "The fact that a patented
technology can replicate itself does not give a purchaser the right to use
replicated copies of the technology," according to the opinion, and "[a]pplying
the first sale doctrine to subsequent generations of self-replicating
technology would eviscerate the rights of the patent holder," citing Monsanto Co. v.
Scruggs, 459 F.3d 1328, 1336 (Fed. Cir. 2006), cert.
denied, 549 U.S. 1342 (2007). According to the opinion, the right to use
patented technology upon purchase "do[es] not include the right to
construct an essentially new article on the template of the original, for the
right to make the article remains with the patentee," citing Jazz Photo Corp. v. Int'l Trade Comm'n,
264 F.3d 1094, 1102 (Fed. Cir. 2001), cert. denied, 536 U.S. 950 (2002).
The opinion applied the "substantial embodiment" test with regard to
separate generations of seed, stating that present seed does not "substantially
embody" "all later generation seeds," because with regard to the
commodity seeds "nothing in the record indicates that the 'only reasonable
and intended use' of commodity seeds is for replanting them to create new
seeds, citing Quanta, 553 U.S. at 631 and noting that other uses for
commodity seed existed (such as use as feed). "While farmers, like
Bowman, may have the right to use commodity seeds as feed, or for any other
conceivable use, they cannot 'replicate' Monsanto's patented technology by
planting it in the ground to create newly infringing genetic material, seeds,
and plants. Bowman's certiorari petition
followed the adverse decision by the Federal Circuit.
Solicitor's brief acknowledges that the Federal Circuit's treatment of
so-called "conditional" sales has not been entirely consistent with
the Supreme Court's views on patent exhaustion; this contrary jurisprudence was
corrected by the Court in Quanta and
thus does not warrant further correction. More importantly, the Solicitor contends that conditional exhaustion was
not the basis for the Federal Circuit's decision in this case. Rather, the Solicitor's brief quotes the
Federal Circuit as saying that "'[e]ven if
[respondent's] patent rights in the commodity seeds are exhausted, such a
conclusion would be of no consequence because once a grower, like [petitioner],
plants the commodity seeds containing [respondent's] Roundup Ready technology
and the next generation of seed develops, the grower has created a newly
infringing article." In addition, "[t]he
right to use [] do[es] not include the right to construct an essentially new
article on the template of the original, for the right to make the article
remains with the patentee.'" The Solicitor further
notes that the Court rejected the argument that replanting was the only use for
the "commodity seed," noting that the seed was useful, inter alia, as animal feed.
The Solicitor's brief notes
that a majority (pp. 9-16) of petitioner's brief is focused on the Federal
Circuit's "conditional sale" jurisprudence. The brief sets forth these cases, beginning
with Mallinckrodt, Inc. v. Medipart, Inc., 976 F.2d 976 F.2d 700, 706-08 (1992), where the Federal Circuit held that a patent was
not exhausted if the patentee conditioned the sale of a patented article to "unilateral
or bilateral restrictions on the use or resale of the purchased article." The Federal Circuit had justified these
restraints under conditions where the restriction was "within the patent
grant" (i.e., it did not exceed or be unrelated to subject matter
within the scope of the claims) and did not have "anticompetitive effects
extending beyond the patentee's statutory right to exclude" or was in
violation of the antitrust laws. These
line of cases was relevant to the instant case, the Solicitor wrote, because
other cases (significantly, ones for which the Court had denied certiorari) were based (at least in
part) on the conditional sale doctrine, including Monsanto Co. v.
McFarling, 302 F.3d 1291 (2002), cert, denied, 537 U.S.
1232 (2003), and Monsanto Co. v. Scruggs. But these cases were all decided prior to the Supreme Court's Quanta decision; perhaps somewhat tongue
in cheek, the brief states that "[i]t is not clear, however, whether the
Federal Circuit will continue to adhere to the Mallinckrodt line of
cases after Quanta. What is clear
is that the court did not do so here," thus avoiding this issue as a basis
for a certiorari grant (which may
arise by implication if the Federal Circuit does not follow the Court's lead from Quanta).
Here, the Solicitor
affirms that the Federal Circuit rejected the patent exhaustion defense as
point of "no consequence" because "'[e]ven if' exhaustion had
occurred [] petitioner would still be liable because he had 'created a newly
infringing article' when he 'plant[ed] the commodity seeds containing
respondent's Roundup Ready technology and the next generation of seed
develop[ed].'" In other words, even if the petitioner had a "right to
use" the seed for any "conceivable use," the one right that he
did not have was the "'right to
construct an essentially new article on the template of the original.'" The brief casts the issue as one of the patent law
giving a patentee "separate rights" to exclude others from "making, using, offering for sale, and selling [or
importing] a patented invention," rights that can be separately
alienated. Separate from the rights to
use and (re)-sell a patented article (which rights are exhausted upon first
sale) is the right to make a new infringing article, something the Solicitor's
brief contends was never the subject of the patent exhaustion doctrine. Citing Quanta
and other Supreme Court case law (including Mitchell v. Hawley, 83
U.S. (16 Wall.) 544, 547 (1872); United States v. Univis Lens Co., and Aro
Mfg. Co. v. Convertible Top Replacement Co., 365 U.S. 336,346 (1961)), the
Solicitor argues that exhaustion is particular to the article sold. This
issue has arisen in the past when courts have been asked to determine the
distinction between repair of a purchased patented article (which is
permitted) and reconstruction (which is not); this principle is a
long-standing one according to the brief, hieing from cases like Wilson v.
Simpson, 50 U.S. (9 How.) 109, 123-125 (1850), and American Cotton-Tie
Co. v. Simmons, 106 U.S. 89, 93-94 (1882). Quoting the Federal
Circuit, "the rights of ownership do not include the right to construct an
essentially new article on the template of the original, for the right to make
the article remains with the patentee" says the Solicitor, citing Jazz
Photo Corp. v. Int'l Trade Comm'n.
The Solicitor's
brief recognizes that the case presents something of a novelty, because this
invention is capable of making replicas of itself (although later in the brief
the Solicitor rejects petitioner's contention that this self-replicating
property absolves him of infringement liability). The brief rejects petitioner's contention
that planting new seed is a "use" of the seed and does not constitute
"making" new seed, because while planting see is certainly a use, "the planting and harvesting of soybeans also
constitutes the 'making' of newly infringing seed" (emphasis in original). The brief also rejects petitioner's argument that new Roundup Ready
seeds are "made" only "'when they
artificially insert patented germplasm into naturally occurring soybean seeds.'" This is also a making, according to the
brief, but is does not negate that planting and harvesting seed is also a "making"
of seed. (Here, the brief relies on a
dictionary definition of the word "make," in the absence of any
special definition of the word in the Patent Act, unlike, for example, the
definition of the word "process" at 35 U.S.C. § 100(b).) "Petitioner 'cause[d]
[the progeny seed] to exist,'" according to the Solicitor, and it was
immaterial that how that was accomplished differed from how the patentee had
created the recombinant seed in the first place.
Turning to the
argument that seeds "self-replicate without farmer assistance" (and
thus, presumably, somehow absolve the farmer from responsibility for
infringement), the Solicitor states that:
did not simply leave the seed "untended on a field." . . . Rather, he
intentionally planted the commodity seed in order to create a new crop of
soybeans; he saved some of that new crop to replant the next growing season; he
continued to plant, harvest, and save seed for eight successive years; and he
exploited the known glyphosate-resistant properties of the progeny seed by
treating his crops with a glyphosate-based herbicide.
these are acts presumably raising infringement liability.
brief also relied upon the Court's decision in J.E.M.
Ag Supply, Inc. v. Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. in support of its argument that
planting seeds constituted "making" under the patent statute. There, the Supreme Court held that the Patent
Act provided utility patent protection (that endowed patent holders with "greater
rights of exclusion" than patents under the Plant Variety Protection
Act). The PVPA provides an affirmative
exemption for farmers to save seed that can be used for replanting, and the J.E.M. Court noted that there was no
such exemption for utility patents. The Solicitor's brief argues that there would be "no practical
significance" for this distinction (between plant and utility patents) "if
the unauthorized creation of new seed was treated as non-infringing under 35 U.S.C. 154 and 271 [] based on
the patent-exhaustion doctrine. Petitioner would effectively read a
seed-saving exemption into the Patent Act." This aspect of the
difference between the extent of the exclusionary right conferred by utility
versus plant patents also distinguished Asgrow Seed Co. v. Winterboer,
513 U.S. 179 (1995), another case involving the seed-saving exemption of the PVPA:
If, as petitioner contends, the authorized
sale of patented seed exhausts a patentee's rights in that seed, as well as in
its progeny, then a grower could save second-generation seed and sell that seed
commercially without infringing the patent. That would, in turn, afford greater
rights of exclusion to holders of a PVPA certificate than to utility patent
holders, contrary to this Court's understanding in J.E.M.
Solicitor also notes that recombinant seed are not exempt from the patent
exhaustion doctrine. The question is for
which seed does patent exhaustion
apply, and the Solicitor answers that it is the seed that is sold, and not
progeny seed, that is subject to exhaustion. "But the sale of patented seed never authorizes a purchaser to
create a new generation; the right to make is a distinct, exclusive right that
remains with the patentee," says the brief.
The Solicitor
ends his brief by addressing the policy issues raised by petitioner: "that
the court of appeals' decision will eliminate commodity soybeans as a low-cost
alternative for second-crop plantings, and will otherwise alter traditional
farming practices." These are
decisions best left for Congress, according to the Solicitor. In addition, a decision by the Court on
recombinant seeds "could also affect the
enforcement of patents for man-made cell lines, DNA molecules,
nanotechnologies, organic computers, and other technologies that involve
self-replicating features." Instead
of deciding this issue in this case, "[t]he Court should allow the case
law to develop further before considering whether to adopt a more restrictive
definition of 'making' that could have unforeseen consequences for other
present and future self-replicating technologies, citing the Court's own
cautionary statements in this regard in Bilski v. Kappos, 130 S. Ct. 3218, 3227
Court will schedule a conference to discuss whether to grant certiorari in due
course after the summer recess.