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« Supplemental Brief for Appellees in AMP v. USPTO | Main | Conference & CLE Calendar »

July 19, 2012


In this brief Myriad argues just how brain dead they really are and how bad they are at reading Prom.

"no appellate court has ruled a product patent ineligible since the 1952 Act,"

True, nobody bothered to argue against them properly until I started bellyaching about it on your interwebs. It is amazing really, how bad at patent law patent lawlyers were not 10 years ago.

"Striking them down, despite the reliance of the inventive and investing communities on the well-established rule, would send a shiver up the spines of future investors and commercial research and development -- and not just in molecular diagnostics."

No, it would send a shiver up the spine of the legions of drafters and that is about all. Inventors will keep right on along inventing and getting claims that do not overreach into claiming on judicially exempt subject matter. Just as they have for centuries before the modern lawlyer messed up patent law for the past few decades requiring a slew of judicial correction from the USSC.

"Myriad's claims are not, the brief argues, because they are claiming just what the inventors invented: isolated BRCA gene encoding DNA molecules, "not any of the other 20,000 human or other genes." "

I have heard better arguments against the preemption doctrine being applied out of AI.

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