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June 25, 2012


50k breakdowns over 700 or so arts =~ 70 new breakdowns per art? Ridiculously tiny. My art alone needs an extra ~500 breakdowns at MINIMUM. But, at the least, they're putting in a system for examiners to start having more direct influence over the classification schedule which will be, if anything can be, the saving grace of classification.

"Examiners and users worldwide will be able to conduct patent document searches by accessing the same document collections."

In other words, "you think your subclasses are filled to the brim now? Just wait until we add in all the prior art from the ROW to them!"

"The CPC will eventually be used by more than 45 patent offices in their internal search systems, thus becoming the international standard."

In other words "you think your subclasses are filled to the brim now? Just wait until the asian countries and the ROW except the EU get their hands on this thing! Subclasses busting their belts faster than obese americans!"

Preposterous planning. A disaster in the making. I can only hope they do better than I think they will.

Cooperative Patent Classification appears to be one of many recent steps toward harmonization that is likely increase efficiency in the US and global patent systems.

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