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« Conference & CLE Calendar | Main | Senators Support Inclusion of 12-Year Exclusivity Period in Free Trade Agreement »

September 11, 2011


"the last legislative step necessary for significantly strengthening the U.S. patent system for all American inventors..."

Lies, lies, lies.

“This is not a patent reform bill” Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) complained, despite other democrats praising the overhaul. “This is a big corporation patent giveaway that tramples on the right of small inventors.” Part of Cantwell’s dissatisfaction is that the new process now favors those with the financial clout to push through applications quickly: if you can afford the patent lawyers required to fast-track your claim, you can potentially beat a smaller inventor to the punch, even if they came up with the idea first.

The agents of banks, huge multinationals, and China are at it again trying to brain wash America.

"patent reform"

Just because they call it “reform” doesn’t mean it is.

The patent bill is nothing less than another monumental federal giveaway for banks, huge multinationals, and China and an off shoring job killing nightmare for America. Even the leading patent expert in China has stated the bill will help them steal our inventions. Who are the supporters of this bill working for??

Patent reform is a fraud on America. This bill will not do what they claim it will. What it will do is help large multinational corporations maintain their monopolies by robbing and killing their small entity and startup competitors (so it will do exactly what the large multinationals paid for) and with them the jobs they would have created. The bill will make it harder and more expensive for small firms to get and enforce their patents. Without patents we cant get funded. Yet small entities create the lion's share of new jobs. According to recent studies by the Kauffman Foundation and economists at the U.S. Census Bureau, “startups aren’t everything when it comes to job growth. They’re the only thing.” This bill is a wholesale slaughter of US jobs. Those wishing to help fight this bill should contact us as below.

Small entities and inventors have been given far too little voice on this bill when one considers that they rely far more heavily on the patent system than do large firms who can control their markets by their size alone. The smaller the firm, the more they rely on patents -especially startups and individual inventors. Congress tinkering with patent law while gagging inventors is like a surgeon operating before examining the patient.

Please see http://truereform.piausa.org/default.html for a different/opposing view on patent reform.

"Reaction to Senate Passage of H.R. 1249"

Party party party party and party some more!

Party like it's 1999!


Very typical response by you, 6, completely in character.


That list of supporters of the AIA is as unbalanced as the AIA piece on Talk of the Nation on NPR yesterday afternoon which had 3 speakers, all supporters of the AIA.

EG, does this mean you won't be at the party?

Hey 6, I like good party like anyone else. Where are you holding it? Is going to be decorated with signs that say "American Small Business Innovation" with a circle and diagonal line over top that phrase?

One of the few helpful measures that I see contained in this legislation is a provision requiring a showing of "competitive injury" in order to obtain standing in a false marking suit. This should prove effective in reducing (if not eliminating) the new scourge of false marking patent trolls. And, doubtless, those at the USPTO are looking forward to a probable increase in fees. But, from what I can tell, the rest of this bill is a wash.

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