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September 18, 2011



It will be interesting to see if either party pushes for rehearing en banc (and even more so if the Federal Circuit would hear this case en banc). Given that Prometheus is before SCOTUS, I wouldn't lay good odds for the Federal Circuit agreeing to hear the AMP case en banc.


Gamers show BIO how tis done.

6, learn to read already. That bit of powder-puff journalism discusses a piece of software designed by some people at the U of Washington specifically to figure out protein folding by having teams of people play a computer game. It's more like BIO shows gamers how they can actually be useful instead of uselessly wasting their lives on games. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

"6, learn to read already. That bit of powder-puff journalism discusses a piece of software designed by some people at the U of Washington specifically to figure out protein folding by having teams of people play a computer game."

Is that not what I said?

" It's more like BIO shows gamers how they can actually be useful instead of uselessly wasting their lives on games. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

What makes you think that the people that made the game were BIO people? You think that Udubbaya is on BIO's payroll now?

Besides old timer I doed mah readin'


But I doubt u did.

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