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June 21, 2011


Did this thing pass in some form?

Conyers, Manzullo, and Sensenbrenner are right. This bill is nothing less than a giveaway for banks and huge multinationals and an off shoring job killing nightmare for America.

Even the leading patent expert in China has stated the bill will help them steal our inventions. Who are the supporters of this bill working for??

The bill is improperly named. It should be titled the “America Kills Inventors Act”.

Just because they call it “reform” doesn’t mean it is. Patent reform is a fraud on America. This bill will not do what they claim it will. What it will do is help large multinational corporations maintain their monopolies by robbing and killing their small entity and startup competitors (so it will do exactly what the large multinationals paid for) and with them the jobs they would have created. Yet small entities create the lion's share of new jobs. According to recent studies by the Kauffman Foundation and economists at the U.S. Census Bureau, “startups aren’t everything when it comes to job growth. They’re the only thing.” This bill is a wholesale slaughter of US jobs. Those wishing to help in the fight to defeat this bill should contact us as below.

Small entities and inventors have been given far too little voice on this bill when one considers that they rely far more heavily on the patent system than do large firms who can control their markets by their size alone. The smaller the firm, the more they rely on patents -especially startups and individual inventors.

Please see http://truereform.piausa.org/ for a different/opposing view on patent reform.

Phillies Sweep:

It appears that debate on the bill will continue this afternoon, that votes on individual amendments will be taken this afternoon, and that a vote on H.R. 1249 will take place tomorrow. Thanks for the comment.


By the way, your comment gives me an opportunity to promote the Patent Docs Twitter feed (@PatentDocs), where we will continue to provide timely updates on the patent reform debate.

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