The Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) will be holding its 2011 Annual Meeting on September 11-13, 2011 in Los Angeles, CA. Among the presentations being offered at the annual meeting are:
• Recent case law developments;
• A look at patent landscaping and analysis;
• Legal issues surrounding genetic information research and development;
• Damages;
• Current state of the ITC;
• Patentability issues;
• Recent developments in patent offices around the world; and
• Ethical questions arising from en banc review of Therasense v. Becton Dickinson.
In addition, James Pooley, Deputy Director General for Patents for the World Intellectual Property Organization, will present the luncheon keynote on September 13.
A draft program for the meeting, including an agenda, descriptions of the scheduled sessions, and list of speakers, can be obtained here. The brochure for the meeting is not yet available.
The registration fee for the meeting is $950 for IPO members or $1,450 for attendees who are not IPO members (attendees registering by July 29 will receive a $100 discount). Those interested in registering for the meeting can do so here.