The American Bar Association (ABA) will be holding its 2011 Annual Meeting from August 4-7, 2011 in Toronto, Ontario. During the Annual Meeting, various ABA sections and divisions will be offering more than 250 CLE programs, including the following programs that will be offered by the Intellectual Property Law section:
• International Patent Litigation;
• The Demise of Junk Science in the Calculation of Reasonable Royalties;
• Is the World Ready for a New Form of IP Protection?
• FTC Enforcement in the Evolving IP Marketplace;
• Update from the USPTO; and
• Passing the Puck: The Future of International Patent Law Harmonization.
On Saturday, August 6th, Justice Marshall Rothstein of the Supreme Court of Canada will be the keynote speaker at the ABA IP Law section luncheon. A schedule of programs and events being offered by the Section of Intellectual Property Law at the ABA Annual Meeting can be found here. The registration fee for individual CLE programs ranges from $35 for government lawyers and judges to $90 for all other attendees. An All-Access CLE Badge ranges from for $75 (law school member) to $950 (non-ABA members). Additional information regarding registration fees can be found here. Those interested in registering for the Annual Meeting can do so here.
Am I missing something here? Isn't the ABA the bar association for US lawyers? If so, why are they having their annual convention in Canada?
I'm just asking…surely there are some American cities who have spare convention capacity these days???
Posted by: Curious George | June 11, 2011 at 01:27 PM