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February 07, 2011


Here is a similar story

In part it seems like it would make the patent system work more for those with money and less for small inventors. But, such is life already….maybe it would be better if there was a graduated fee based on entity size?

How many big pharma/biotech company would like to go for Track-I option? Perticularly when most of the time in bringing new NCE or BLA to market goes in clinical trials.

Well I am not sure how many companies will take advantages of this Track-I option. If anyone have an idea please share it.

It would appear such examination tracks would work best in a "First to File" system, and would create a mountain of litigation opportunities in a "First to Invent" system. Wonder what the statistics are as they pertain to issued patents challenged by an inventor claiming to be the first to have invented a concept patented by another.

Does the proposed 3-Track examination system state anything in this regard?

"The Office would also like to offer a 50% discount on the Track I fee to small entities, and noted that the patent reform legislation (S. 23) recently introduced in the Senate (see "Here We Go Again") would allow the Office to set its own fees and thereby extend this discount to small entity applicants."

That is rather shrewd to garner support.

It is important to put an end to fee diversion before the 3-track plan goes into effect -- otherwise, the legislature will surely siphon off substantial revenue from the hew plan, and it would be criminal to let Congress plunder an even bigger share of the patent office's earnings.

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