January 21, 2011 - Patents, Innovation and Job Creation: A Virtuous Circle (Innovation Alliance) - Washington, DC
January 25, 2011 - Understanding Obviousness in a Post-KSR World: Practical Applications for Compliance with the Recent USPTO Guidelines (Technology Transfer Tactics) - 1:00 - 2:30 PM (EST)
January 26-27, 2011 - The Life Sciences Lawyer's Guide to Patent Term Adjustment and Patent Term Extensions*** (American Conference Institute) - New York, NY
January 28-29, 2011 - The Future of Patents: Bilski and Beyond (Stanford Law Review & Stanford Program in Law, Science & Technology)
January 31 - February 1, 2011 - Medical Device Patent Litigation*** (American Conference Institute) - New York, NY
February 16-17, 2011 - Life Sciences Collaborative Agreements and Acquisitions*** (American Conference Institute) - New York, NY
***Patent Docs is a media partner of this conference or CLE