American Conference Institute (ACI) will be holding a conference on Medical Device Patent Litigation from January 31 to February 1, 2011 in New York, NY. Topics of discussion at the conference will include:
• Satisfying the four-prong test set forth in eBay and obtaining a permanent injunction;
• Effectively opposing injunction requests;
• Developing an unassailable reasonable royalty analysis;
• Contesting the plaintiff's proffer of "comparable" licenses;
• Recognizing the implications of Hatch-Waxman regulations on medical device patent litigation; and
• Enforcing and challenging the validity of method patents in the device context post-Bilski.
In particular, ACI's faculty will offer presentations on the following topics:
• Positioning your case for success -- Early case strategies and tactical considerations;
• Asserting invalidity defenses and advancing persuasive infringement claims;
• Balancing risks and navigating the interplay between re-examination and litigation;
• Presenting an effective Markman case -- Winning strategies for managing a pivotal point in patent litigation;
• Injunctive relief: Strategies for obtaining and opposing injunctions;
• Developing a damages case and defenses in the wake of recent federal circuit decisions: Calculating and proving damages and minimizing damages liability;
• View from the Bench: Judicial perspectives on medical device patent litigation;
• Managing and reducing costs associated with patent litigation;
• Patent litigation for drug and device combination products: Preparing for the intersection between medical devices and Hatch-Waxman litigation;
• Successfully asserting and challenging claims of inequitable conduct in the crowded field of medical device patents; and
• Restructuring patent marking practices following the recent surge of false marking litigation.
A pre-conference workshop on "FDA Regulatory Process Primer: Understanding Regulatory Processes for Devices and Their Interplay with Patent Litigation," will be offered from 8:00 to 11:30 am on January 31, 2011, and a post-conference workshop on "Settlement and Licensing Strategies -- Developing a Solid Licensing Plan and Drafting Sound Licensing Agreements," will be offered from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on February 2, 2011.
The agenda for the Pharma/Biotech Collaborative Agreements conference can be found here. A complete brochure for this conference, including an agenda, detailed descriptions of conference sessions, list of speakers, and registration form can be obtained here.
The registration fee for the conference is $2,295 (conference alone), $2,895 (conference and one workshop), or $3,495 (conference and both workshops). Those registering by January 11, 2011 will receive a $200 discount. Those interested in registering for the conference can do so here, by calling 1-888-224-2480, or by faxing a registration form to 1-877-927-1563.
Patent Docs is a media partner of ACI's Medical Device Patent Litigation conference.
It's because of a medical device that I'm able to keep breathing every day. It makes me feel so grateful.
Posted by: Garfield | April 20, 2011 at 12:45 PM