The Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) and U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will be co-sponsoring the 21st Annual Conference on USPTO Law and Practice (PTO Day) on December 6, 2010 in Washington, D.C.
The PTO Day program includes patent general sessions on the following topics:
• PTO Year in Review, Update on PTO Operations and IT Updates
• Patentable Subject Matter: It's Not Just About Computers
And breakout sessions on the following topics:
• Chemical/Biotech Patent Examining Practice – Including Q&A
• Work Sharing and Prioritizing Examination Initiatives
• Interlocutory Ex parte Appeals Practice
• Professional Responsibility for IP Practitioners
In addition, Director David Kappos will provide a luncheon address. A copy of the program, including a list of speakers, can be found here.
The registration fee for the conference ranges from $225 (government/academic registration) to $650 (general registration). The registration fee for a live webcast ranges from $150 to $200. Those interested in registering can do so here.